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Cyber Round Up: A Manhattan Project for Cybersecurity, EU Scales Up Cyber-Attack Responses, Senate Defense Bill Calls for Blockchain Cybersecurity Study

  • Time for the US to Develop a Manhattan Project in Cybersecurity (The Hill): Opinion contributor Greg Clark poses the question, “If cybersecurity is one the greatest challenges facing our nation today (and few would question that it is), why are we helping our adversary defeat billions of dollars in cyber defenses?” Clark discusses how the Freedom of Information Act allows anyone to ask the government what it’s purchasing, and proposes tactics for making cyber-defenses unknown to adversaries. Some suggestions Clark voices include next-generation security tools, and to cease purchasing “commercial-off-the-shelf” security tools. Read the full article here.
  • Cybersecurity: Commission Scales Up EU’s Response to Cyber-Attacks (European Commission): European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union Address on Sept. 13, 2017, called for better equipping Europe for cyber-attacks. This included proposing an EU Cybersecurity Agency to assist EU Member States in combating cyber-attacks. This press release from the European Commission explains how the EU is building resilience, stepping up it’s cybersecurity capacity, and creating a criminal law response focused on detecting, tracing, and prosecuting cyber criminals.
  • $700 Billion Senate Defense Bill Calls for Blockchain Cybersecurity Study (CoinDesk): The Senate recently passed a bill that massively increases military spending. Included in the bill is a mandate for the Department of Defense to conduct a blockchain study. While the House of Representatives still needs to approve the bill, Ohio Senator Rob Portman included the amendment requiring the blockchain study. If the bill is passed into law, the study would follow six months later. Read the full article here.

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